Monday, November 17, 2008

David Guetta at Spin

Spin, Giant, Montage, whatever you call it they are bringing world
class DJs to San Diego on the regular now. Paul Oakenfold and David
Guetta in two days!! The club is near the airport and is about a $12
ride from gdowntown sd Gas Lamps.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Baseball Game

Padres are not doing too well this season but the games are still fun!

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Its a bit dated but altitude is still one of the best bars in San
diego, for the view... Bring the people with..


Again Sunday in San diego is the spot to be. Intervention at the hard

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Intervention Hard Rock Pool Party

A couple weeks ago I was eating some sushi and got a phone call... someone wanted to use my parking space on 6th and Market to go to a pool party at the Hard Rock. I said yes, finished quickly, ran home, changed, and met them in the road ready to leave. It was a BLAST. Gerber really knows how to launch a summer of fun, and its likely I will be there every weekend. I guess anyone who has been to the Rehab pool parties in Las Vegas at the hard rock knows what I mean.

There is a pool, hot tubs, tables, chairs, beds, cabanas, bars, bathrooms, rooms, I mean pretty much everything you could want in one place. It is surprisingly classy despite the five inch heals in bikini's, but they keep things lively. Talked to Lauren who was in from New York, I guess it was her launching the party, and she assured me it would be no problem coming back and to simply email her if it was an issue - quite nice of her... odd too since I had no clue she worked for the place and she had no clue I was a blogger about fun downtown.

Anyway, lots more on intervention to come. This past weekend I heard from more than a few people who did not go out Saturday night because they wanted to just save their energy for Sunday at the Hard Rock Hotel for the Intervention Pool Party. Sorry for the really limited photo, more to come every weekend in the future. This is it for Sunday in San Diego 2008, I am sure of it, hands down. Five Stars.

iPhone camera quality

This blog is made 100 percent with my iPhone. I do not even have a
computer. At first I thought the photos would kill it and now see this
thing has a sweet camera... Bro and Jessie below. Please comment if
you know how to fix the formatting when emailing blog posts from my
phone to this site.

California Sunsets

No where in the world have do I enjoy so many amazing sunsets... San

Sunday, April 13, 2008

San Diego

Last week I got a condo downtown in the gaslsmp district... Amazing
views and it seems very lively downtown living on 6th ave. Looking
forward to the day and nights all summer long! My lease ends in
September 2008 and that's when the market should begin its rapid fall.
If I have fun I'll be buying a place in mid-October.

First blog post

So ive never had a blog and this is the first post, and its me.