Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Summer 2009 Update!

This is the Summer 2009 downtown nightlife update to what is going on in San Diego downtown....


Downtown is even better than ever after the opening of Voyeur (http://www.voyeursd.com/). This bar/club has been bringing in some amazing DJ's, they have a great sound system, and awesome atmosphere. For those of you who remember it is where Ole Madrid was previously before it shut down for a year of renovations before opening up a few weeks ago as Voyeur. 755 5th Ave is the address and they open around 6pm but we always get there at about 10:45. On top of the sound system they have an entire wall of LED lights that is really worth checking out. One final thing to note about Voyeur is I have been introduced to the owner two or three times there - he is always around - and appreciates everyone who visits.


One other new addition to downtown worth talking about is Se... good crowd on Saturday nights around 10pm-12pm and longer if you have a special hand stamp. Se is a hotel with a rooftop pool, bar, and lounge on 5th avenue next to the house of blues. There is another lounge downstairs on the street where you enter - afterwards just take the elevator up. This is a good place to start the night out. Se also has a pool party every week.


Every Friday we have been going to Stingaree - 6th and Island. Fortune puts on a great event on the roof with house music - hiphop and dancing downstairs. We are here every friday without fail. If you get there before 10:25 it is much easier walking in the front door.... if you take a limo bus you walk right in. Stingaree is applying to change their liquor license right now so they can have the roof open on Thursdays and Sundays before holidays - I'll post an update once it is approved.


If you like house music make your way to Wavehouse in Mission Beach on Sunday from 5pm-10pm. Afterwards do not go to Bar West in Pacific Beach, go to Hardrock or Voyeur downtown. I do not recommend Bar West at all because they practically pay us to go all winter and then hassle us at the door in the summer even when they are empty... not worth dealing with.

Feel free to drop me an email if too much time passes and there is no posts on this blog - I simply forget about it as the internet is not a big part of my life at all.